Search Engine Optimisation

Get found online through our extensive onsite SEO packages. Start off with a FREE digital review and see what we can do for your business.

We'll get to know you and understand exactly what you need for your website.

We work in a tried and tested process to make sure of your websites runs smoothly and is a success for your target market.

We start by mapping out the pages of your website, showing how the user will interact with them, from the initial landing page to clicking to your contact button.

- Search Engine Optimisation

What is SEO

Search engine optimisation basically means adding detail to the content and setup of your site to make sure that a search engine will point people to your site when they are looking for something you can help with.  Search engines work by searching the web for anything that answers the question you have asked, so ‘where can I buy trainers’ will bring you up a list of places which the search engine has checked and found information that they sell trainers.  In order to do this, information needs to be added to each page of your website including tags and content to help the search engine quickly identify the key content of each page when it is searching.  These references then become stored by the search engine each time it looks at your site and then it is ready to show your site when someone searches for a relevant phrase.

Which phrases to target is a key part of search engine optimisation as different keywords may be searched for more often than others and therefore they have different levels of competition.  It is important to do your research well to see how people tend to phrases searches for your product.  You

Why is it important to rank on the 1st page of search engines

The simple answer is that many people never get to page 2 because they find what they are looking for on page 1.  When you ask a question in a search engine, you get a list of answers which the search engine thinks are an answer to your question – but they may or may not be what you are actually looking for.  The top few answers which pop up are normally those which someone is paying the search engine provider to show first and there may be two or three of these.  There are typically another 8-10 other answers on page 1 ordered by how closely they match the term being looked for.  This is known as those which appear organically i.e. you aren’t actually paying to have your site displayed first.  Lots of things influence where you are ranked for organic searches such as the relevance of the page content to what is being searched for, the speed your page loads, whether the page is correctly optimised to share information about it quickly etc.  If you are providing a payment to get up the ranks, remember that whoever is willing to pay the most will generally come out on top – and that can really lead to a big spend if you have some any type of competition.

What can Visionworks Interactive do for my rankings?

Visionworks Interactive specialises in organic search engine optimisation and running paid for campaigns to help improve the rankings of your website.  We have the experience to know what practical changes need to be made to a site to ensure search engines can look at it quickly and remove all the right reference information to assess what keywords the site contains.  This means that it can match the site to these keywords when people are searching.

Our team regularly undertake market and competitor research and have access to a range of keyword research tools to help you to pick what keywords are the most relevant to your site and which ones will be the easiest for you to rank for.  This means you can target your messaging and allocated budget to the areas which are most likely to prove successful.

How much does it cost for our SEO package

We believe in tailoring our solutions to our customers, so there is no such thing as a standard search engine optimisation package.  We will always have a look at your existing online presence, your other digital assets, your competitors and your industry and then talk to you about what you want to achieve before we propose some options.  We believe in being open and honest, so we will never propose ideas which we don’t think will work for your business and your budget.

How much does it cost for our SEO package

We believe in tailoring our solutions to our customers, so there is no such thing as a standard search engine optimisation package.  We will always have a look at your existing online presence, your other digital assets, your competitors and your industry and then talk to you about what you want to achieve before we propose some options.  We believe in being open and honest, so we will never propose ideas which we don’t think will work for your business and your budget.

How long can it take for my site to rank on the 1st page

This really depends on what keywords you want to rank for and what type of business you run.  A new business in an area with a lot of competition will take longer than an established business which has little competition but has just not invested in their online presence before.  There is no single or right way to get up the ranks, so it is a matter of a tailored approach which is suitable for your type of business.  We won’t make false promises, so it’s important to note that it never happens overnight, usually takes at least 3-6 months and no one who owns a business on the first page of a search engine should take it for granted.  The algorithms which define which sites make it to the first page are always changing – which is why website maintenance and an ongoing commitment to search engine optimisation is so important.  The established business ranking at the number one spot can quickly drop down the list if a few of their competitors update their website and improve their own ranking.