Web Development

Take advantage of the increase in website usage and see how we can help drive new business online.

Our sites are designed and built completely from scratch to fit your needs.

We use WordPress for your sites CMS, meaning it's easy to use and easy to update.

We work in a tried and tested process to make sure of your project runs smoothly and is a success for your target market.

- Web Development

What is responsive web design?

Responsive web design is about making sure your website looks good and fits the screen of those looking at your site regardless of how they are accessing it. With so many people using phones and tablets to search for things, if your website isn’t responsive users won’t get the best experience and they may not be able to see all your messages and pictures properly.

Why is a good website important?

Most people who are looking for a product or service now research it online to check out the different options and providers before deciding which one to choose. A modern website which is easy to navigate and brings up the right information to answer their queries will show your potential customer that you are a professional, modern organisation who understands their needs. In contrast an old website which still talks about outdated products or old news suggests you aren’t concerned about your customer’s experience or needs.

Modern websites contain a mixture of written information and video/animations to help communicate things clearly and concisely. They are easy to navigate and they may also have helpful things like animated user guides to help reduce the number of calls you get from people if they can’t make things work. A good website will also have independent reviews of your products/services to show you have a good track record.

What can a website do for my service-based business?

Your website is a window to your organisation. For service-based businesses, it is crucial to communicate a professional but approachable image to your prospective clients. First impressions count online as much as they do in person, so it is important to show your ethos and interest in supporting your clients in your online messaging. Outlining how you can help with examples or case studies of your services is always helpful. Video testimonials or video/animated user guides from your team can also personalise your site and demonstrate the knowledge and experience you can bring to help a prospective client.

What sectors have Visionworks Interactive carried out web design projects for?

Our clients come from a wide range of sectors including education, tourism, banking, professional services, hospitality, fitness and film. We are flexible to the needs of our clients and can offer web design, photography, training and digital marketing to cover all the aspects you need to make your website look professional and be successful.